Hello, everyone! Happy February!
Here are the updates on what's currently posting, what's new, and what's coming soon!
What's Still Posting Weekly (Episodically):
Fae Curses, Dark Kings, and Other Things That Must Fall (The Leyward Stones, Book 3) by Crystal Crawford
Ghost Trouble (a standalone paranormal romantic comedy) by Crystal Crawford
I'm Pretty Sure That's Not How Life Works, Chase Jennings (I'm Pretty Sure About That, Book 4) by M.J. Padgett
The Hate Project (The Projects of Life, Book 2) by M.J. Padgett
Ashes to Ashes (The Immortal Grimm Brothers' Guide to Sociopathic Princesses, Book 2) by M.J. Padgett
The Unspoken Language: An Animal Trainer's Memoir -- a nonfiction book by Crystal Crawford
All of these stories have been posting in weekly episodes (some multiple episodes per week) and will be continuing to post this month!
Everything that has previously finished posting is also still inside PirateCat for readers to access, so if you've been waiting to binge, go for it! You can find them all on the "Read" page inside our site.
...And in case you missed the announcement last month, Crystal Crawford's fiction-writing guide, Slap Him with a Fish: A Crash-Course in Fiction Writing, is also now available inside PirateCat, fully posted! You will find this under the new "Learn" tab on our menu, rather than the usual "Read" page.

New Content Coming Your Way:
We are still hard at work on the Story World Encyclopedia section of our site, which will include:
Character bios and background info
Deeper info on story world settings, history, etc
All in an easily browsable format for each series!
We will let you know when it's ready!
Is there something you'd like to see added to PirateCat? Drop your suggestion inside the "Want to See More of Something? Let Us Know!" thread in our Community section inside PirateCat, or shoot us a good old-fashioned email at giveusameow@piratecatpublishing.com!
We are thankful for each and every subscriber here at PirateCat. THANK YOU for being here!
(And if you know someone who might enjoy PirateCat, please spread the word!)