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Chapter Ten

M. J. Padgett

Even without Georgette, the school week went by fast. Every day I got home, she was there waiting, which prompted Francine to offer her a key to the house. Once, she even babysat the kids when Francine had to work late and I couldn’t get home in time. At some point, Georgette would have to return to school—rumors circulated about why constantly—but she wasn’t ready. Her face was mostly healed except for faint yellow marks under her eyes.

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Chapter Nine

I hated school. That was just all there was to it, but I knew I had to finish if I ever wanted to amount to anything. More than anything,...

Chapter Eleven

“I think you’re supposed to string them from the bottom up,” Ally said as Georgette stared at her Christmas tree. “That way, when...

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