Chapter FourteenM. J. PadgettNov 1, 202211 min readWHATEVER JAY SAID TO MY mother worked like a charm. Mom came into my room early the next morning, even before the alarm sounded.Want to read more?Subscribe to to keep reading this exclusive post. Subscribe Now
WHATEVER JAY SAID TO MY mother worked like a charm. Mom came into my room early the next morning, even before the alarm sounded.Want to read more?Subscribe to to keep reading this exclusive post. Subscribe Now
Chapter Thirteen“IT’S A BAD IDEA. THE plan is changing too quickly. I can’t keep up with that many people, and there is no guarantee they will all be as...
Chapter FifteenTHE NEXT MORNING WAS A circus, but we managed to get to the airport on time. I could hardly believe we were on a plane headed to my...