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Chapter 44 - Matthew

Matthew was at lunch, trying to fit in some studying on his laptop between his last class and when he had to be at work. It had been a strange few days, and he was still processing his breakup with Amanda and his newfound knowledge that he wanted more from life – he wanted a passion like what he’d seen as Hunter looked at Anissa. Did it exist, for him? Would he ever find it? He pushed the thoughts aside – not for the first time that hour – and scolded himself for getting distracted again. He needed to study. Focus, he told himself again. He had just pulled up his latest assignment through his online account when he saw a notification pop up. He had a new message on his student account. Thinking it might be information from one of his professors about their upcoming exams, he clicked over. It wasn’t.

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Chapter 43 - Declan

Declan was living a dismal state of uncertainty and disappointment – with life but largely with himself. He wasn’t really sure what to...

Chapter 45 - Declan

Declan was still watching the email chain, reading in unsettled, almost-painful silent suspense. When Matthew came to Anissa’s aid with...


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